
We're thrilled to announce some fantastic new features and improvements added during March to enhance your experience on TopWorksheets:🗑️ Task Recycle Bin: Say goodbye to accidental deletions! Now, you can restore tasks from the recycle bin, ens...
Answers: 0
Hello,I'm having some trouble with boxes aligning on some documents. When I create the document, the boxes are aligned. However, when I preview it or a student goes to complete the task and zooms to 100% - the boxes are not aligned correctly. How can...
Answers: 5
We close the month of October with several important updates. Here is the list of new features of TopWorksheets during October 2023.Multiple-choice questions in interactive videosWe have added a new type of question within interactive videos. Now, in...
Answers: 0
Hello I have some problem when my student submitted the task on the same link same computer they will see the answer' s previous student because they use the same computer. How I can solve this problem I don't want the task show the answer when click...
Answers: 2
Hi,By default, the task can be submitted as many times as the student wants, but parents are telling me that they cannot do it once the task has been submitted and marked. The answers appear in green, and they cannot reset the worksheet and do ...
Answers: 3
Hi, I've just arrived at this platform and I need to know how I can generate the code I should pass to my students to give them access to the worksheets and folders? Thanks!
Answers: 1
I recently archived some assignments by my students which I do not want to take into account when calculating final homework marks, because they did them in the classroom, not at home. Now I don't remember when they did them. How can I access or reco...
Answers: 2
Hello, I have a problem downloading some submissions. I corrected one submission by adding a written comment, and after downloading it the first time, I realized that I had made a mistake in my comment. So, I go back to the topworksheet, correct...
Answers: 4
Hello, I'm wondering if you have any advice. I'm looking to have the option where students can underline or highlight some text. I tried using the drawing tool, but my problem is that the icon covers a lot of the text, but the student needs to b...
Answers: 2
Hi, I am using Firefos 118.0.1 on a PC with Windows 10 Pro, and when I try to write a comment the background becomes transparent, so it is difficult to read what I am writing. When I finish and click elsewhere the background becomes white, so no prob...
Answers: 3
the date and time that you assign a task dos not match the actual one.How can I change it?
Answers: 1
Hello, I keep getting the error message "viewing task as teacher and task won't be submitted..." I've tried looking up a solution but am not finding much. Can anyone assist me? I created the account, I've created an account for my daughter and I'm th...
Answers: 1
Hello,We bring you the updates we have added to TopWorksheets during September.Changing the style of Interactive video questionsWe have expanded the possibilities when customizing the style of Interactive Video questions. Now, you can select the font...
Answers: 1
Hi, Can you make it possible for students to see the entire list of answers instead of just seeing the first answer in the list of answer options? Thank you!
Answers: 1
My company had a teacher using this account and because he did things wrong he was fired and I took over since then he hacked my account and deleted all my worksheets is there a way I can get these worksheets back I did not download them as pdf as I ...
Answers: 1
Ever since you made it possible to select several fields at the same time I am finding new possibilities. The other day I discovered that if I want all the gaps in a text to be the same size I can select them all, make them as small as possible so th...
Answers: 1
Hi, I have a problem with an exercise where students have to answer with a sentence ending in three dots: I think the problem might be that their web browser is replacing the three dots with a single character, but I'm not sure. Could you check what'...
Answers: 2
Hi,I found FCE Listening Papers with clear questions. However am unable to find the relevant audio files to play for the students. Without the audio recordings, how can the students complete the listening tasks? Where can I find the audio files for t...
Answers: 3
Is there any solution for the unrelated objects not to be matched together when the correct answers are shown? For example, in the attached exercise the clown, the baby, the girl sitting on the chair and the girl on patin skates are not supposed to b...
Answers: 2