Language: English
Subject: English language > Speaking
School grade: Vietnam Vietnam
Age: 15 - 30


VIDEO 1: CẶP ÂM /θ/ vs /f/

Các bạn nghe và nhắc lại theo video dưới đây

VIDEO 2: CẶP ÂM /ð/ vs /d/

WORD STRESS ( các bạn hãy phát âm các từ sau đây, nhấn đúng trọng âm)

1. Beautiful (ˈbyuː-tɪ-fəl)
2. Agreement (ə-ˈɡriː-mənt)
3. Understand (ˌʌn-dər-ˈstænd)
4. Photographer (fə-ˈtɑː-grə-fər)
5. Education (ˌɛdʒ-ʊ-ˈkeɪ-ʃən)
6. Chocolate (ˈtʃɔːk-lɪt)
7. Economical (ˌiː-kə-ˈnɒm-ɪk)
8. Computer (kəm-ˈpjuː-tər)
9. Telephone (ˈtɛ-lə-ˌfoʊn)
10. Information (ˌɪn-fər-ˈmeɪ-ʃən)

11. Experiment (ɪk-ˈspɛr-ɪ-mənt)
12. Generosity (ˌdʒɛn-ə-ˈrɒ-sɪ-ti)
13. Vacation (veɪ-ˈkeɪ-ʃən)
14. Hospital (ˈhɒs-pɪ-təl)
15. Important (ɪm-ˈpɔːr-tənt)
16. Communication (kə-ˌmjuː-nɪ-ˈkeɪ-ʃən)
17. Significant (sɪɡ-ˈnɪ-fɪ-kənt)
18. Celebration (ˌsɛl-ɪ-ˈbreɪ-ʃən)
19. Delicious (dɪ-ˈlɪ-ʃəs)
20. Adventure (əd-ˈvɛn-tʃər)

21. Secretary (ˈsɛ-krə-ˌtɛr-i)
22. Performance (pər-ˈfɔːr-məns)
23. Invitation (ˌɪn-vɪ-ˈteɪ-ʃən)
24. Democracy (dɪ-ˈmɒk-rə-si)
25. Environment (ɪn-ˈvaɪ-rən-mənt)
26. Application (ˌæp-lɪ-ˈkeɪ-ʃən)
27. Behavioral (bɪ-ˈheɪ-vjər-əl)
28. Community (kə-ˈmjuː-nɪ-ti)
29. Consideration (kən-ˌsɪd-ə-ˈreɪ-ʃən)
30. Development (dɪ-ˈvɛl-əp-mənt)


This morning, I'm going to discuss an interesting housing trend.

Because you're in the real estate business, you know that fifteen years ago, people were thinking big when it came to buying homes.

Now, however, smaller homes are becoming more popular.

They are cheaper to buy, easier to maintain, and more economical to heat and cool.

Các bạn đọc lại toàn bộ text 1

This morning, I'm going to discuss an interesting housing trend. Because you're in the real estate business, you know that fifteen years ago, people were thinking big when it came to buying homes. Now, however, smaller homes are becoming more popular. They are cheaper to buy, easier to maintain, and more economical to heat and cool.

Are you feeling left behind in today's world of technology?

Well, then, come to Vermont Computer Center this Saturday at 11 o'clock for a class on using the Internet.

You can learn how to surf the Web and e-mail friends, relatives, and businesses.

Even though most people find these skills invaluable, the class is offered free of charge!

các bạn đọc lại toàn bộ text 2:

Are you feeling left behind in today's world of technology? Well, then, come to Vermont Computer Center this Saturday at 11 o'clock for a class on using the Internet. You can learn how to surf the Web and e-mail friends, relatives, and businesses. Even though most people find these skills invaluable, the class is offered free of charge!


Thank you for calling Triumph Distributors.If you know the extension of the associate with whom you'd like to speak, please enter it now.

Otherwise, press one for the sales division, two for customer service, or three for the billing department.

For other inquiries, please remain on the line and the next available representative will assist you shortly.

Các bạn đọc lại toàn bộ text 3:

Thank you for calling Triumph Distributors. If you know the extension of the associate with whom you'd like to speak, please enter it now. Otherwise, press one for the sales division, two for customer service, or three for the billing department. For other inquiries, please remain on the line and the next available representative will assist you shortly.


Thank you for calling the Norton Art Center. For more information about our upcoming student sculpture exhibition, please press 1.

For the schedules of the winter dance, painting, and instrumental music classes, press 2.

This information can also be found on our Web site.

If you would like to speak with a center representative, please remain on the line.

Các bạn đọc lại toàn bộ text 4:

Thank you for calling the Norton Art Center. For more information about our upcoming student sculpture exhibition, please press 1. For the schedules of the winter dance, painting, and instrumental music classes, press 2. This information can also be found on our Web site. If you would like to speak with a center representative, please remain on the line.


In entertainment news, director Norah Galton accepted the Film Award for her documentary Natural Wonder.

The film is about the way our country protects natural resources such as the water supply, forests, and wildlife.

In her acceptance speech, Ms. Galton thanked her father, who is also a director.

If you haven't seen her film yet, be sure to catch it soon.

các bạn đọc lại toàn bộ text 5:

In entertainment news, director Norah Galton accepted the Film Award for her documentary Natural Wonder. The film is about the way our country protects natural resources such as the water supply, forests, and wildlife. In her acceptance speech, Ms. Galton thanked her father, who is also a director. If you haven't seen her film yet, be sure to catch it soon.


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